FixSeat Riding shorts
Our first product is the FixSeat Riding shorts.
The idea for this product has emerged during work as a saddle tester and therapist where we noticed that there is a big problem.
Many riders today, especially women, struggle with chafing, especially in the front, but also problems such as pain in the hips and lower back are very common, as well as having difficulty finding a natural position in the saddle, the position when the pelvic bone is straight and the abdominal muscles are automatically engaged and supports and you can sit relaxed without tension, that's where we all want to be.

It is not so simple that it only differentiates between male and female pelvic bones, but the variation between individuals is large. How wide you are between sit bones, distance between sit bones and pubic bone, how your pubic bone looks, how straight or curved your pelvic bone is and how your hip balls attach. Then it can differ from the right to the left side of the same person. You can train a lot, but not everything.
The next problem is that if you find a saddle on a saddle post that fits your pelvic bone perfectly, that particular saddle must also fit your horse perfectly. It certainly matters how big a budget you have to spend on a new saddle, but quite often that doesn't help either.
For example, if you need a narrow waist on the saddle and have a horse with wide arches and chest, we cannot squeeze it into a saddle that is narrow at the stirrup crampons or is pointed in the bar. It could also be that you have a saddle that is absolutely perfect for your horse but you can't find the position without struggling. These are some examples of problems where our FixSeat Riding shorts can help you!

We will present our product at the Spoga fair in Cologne. In connection with that, we will also post more information here. Do you want to register an interest? Click the button below.
Contact us
Martina +4670-976 45 41
Sanna +4670-976 45 47